Do you possess a lot of marble home décor items? That’s great; they do add a lot of charm to your home. But do you know what else does the same, but is unfortunately often forgotten about by many? We are, of course, talking about the bathtub.
Read More →17-Mar-2025
Who has not heard of Buddha? A prince who gave up everything in the world just to find the meaning of life. His name alone conjures up images of wisdom and of serenity. Now, what if you bring the same inside your home — Well you can do so with meditating Buddha statues
Read More →27-Feb-2025
Hindu mythology has one major deity, the fierce yet loving goddess Maa Kali. Honored all over for her divine energy and sophisticated work, her statues—sometimes cut in marble—are adored globally. Nine interesting facts about her statues would help you find a Marble Kali Mata Statue and more about her symbolism.
Read More →21-Jan-2025
Praying to Krishna who is a spirit of love, wisdom, and joy is one of the most appropriate ways of connecting with the divine essence. Performing prayers to Lord Krishna every morning can solve all your problems and introduce serenity, purity, and direction. For a beginner or for those who are advancing in the spiritual world, you will find it easy and wonderful to have prayer in your daily practice. Let's discover daily Krishna worship, and pay close attention to how the Lord Radha Krishna Statue becomes an essential part of your devotion.
Read More →15-Jan-2025
Now, when we talk about his tales, we often hear about Ashta Siddhi and Nav Nidhi as well. Not many know what exactly these means. Well, you don’t have to wonder anymore, as we are here to explore just that.
Read More →07-Jan-2025
Are you a devout follower of Tirupati Balaji? There is a high likelihood of you being one; otherwise, why would you be here? Now, a common question that many devotees might themselves ponder is: can they keep the Tirupati Balaji marble statue in their home? Is it appropriate to do so?
Read More →17-Dec-2024
Human bust statues are fast gaining popularity for home decor by homeowners. Those made of marble have particularly been seen for elegance and beauty, besides providing a rich look to a room. However, for a few people, such questions might be raised, can these human bust statues really be kept in a house?. In this article, we'll be discussing the importance of human bust statues, their advantages, and how they could be placed in your home to create an excellent ambience.
Read More →21-Nov-2024
When you walk inside a home, especially one inhabited by a Hindu family, what is the first thing you see? Probably a marble moorti, right? We all have added marble moortis inside our homes — it is just something that is commonplace in the Hindu culture. But why is that the case? And do you know that the marble god idols you have is more than just a decorative piece? These marble moortis are symbols of our devotion, of purity and divine connection.
Read More →14-Nov-2024
Allowing Vastu Sastra principles to be a part of the placement of Tirupati Balaji statue maximizes the spiritual benefits and creates an atmosphere conducive to worship, peace and prosperity.
Read More →21-Aug-2024
To install a Marble Ram Darbar Statue at home is an act of great spiritual importance which needs a lot of forethought and dedication to be done.
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